
Throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of individuals with and without special needs experience the rewarding benefits of equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT)  (PATH Intl). Indeed, over the last few decades, various animal-assisted therapies (AAT) have become an integral part of the practice for many social workers and an acceptable method of therapeutic application  (Evans  and Gray).

As a general term, “Animal-Assisted Intervention-AAI” includes a wide range of “Animal-Assisted Activities-AAA” and “Animal-Assisted Therapy-AAT”. In general, activities within the scope of Horse Assisted Activity and Therapy are classified and defined by organizations with widespread organization and educational networks, which are authority in different parts of the world. There are also numerous academic studies on this subject.

The most well-known of these organizations are the “Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International” (PATH Intl), Certification Board for Equine Interaction Professional (CBEIP), Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association (EFMHA), Equine Guided Education Association (EGEA), Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS), and “The Federation of Education and Therapy International” (HETI) countable.

Akhal-Teke Horse Center, closely follows the scientific researchs have conducting of the field and serves with the cooperation of expert staff consisting of the students and instructors who are mostly members of the Physical Education and Sport Department of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University.

You can get the program, after our instructors who are evaluating your needs give knowledge about which therapeutic program is suitable for you.

You can get more information about the therapeutic programs which are included to the EAAT from the links below. The articles on our website will also be useful.




Throughout the world, hundreds of thousands of individuals with and without special needs experience the rewarding benefits of equine-assisted activities and therapies (EAAT)  (PATH Intl). Indeed, over the last few decades, various animal-assisted therapies (AAT) have become an integral part of the practice for many social workers and an acceptable method of therapeutic application  (Evans  and Gray).

As a general term, “Animal-Assisted Intervention-AAI” includes a wide range of “Animal-Assisted Activities-AAA” and “Animal-Assisted Therapy-AAT”. In general, activities within the scope of Horse Assisted Activity and Therapy are classified and defined by organizations with widespread organization and educational networks, which are authority in different parts of the world. There are also numerous academic studies on this subject.

The most well-known of these organizations are the “Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International” (PATH Intl), Certification Board for Equine Interaction Professional (CBEIP), Equine-Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), Equine Facilitated Mental Health Association (EFMHA), Equine Guided Education Association (EGEA), Society for Companion Animal Studies (SCAS), and “The Federation of Education and Therapy International” (HETI) countable.

Akhal-Teke Horse Center, closely follows the scientific researchs have conducting of the field and serves with the cooperation of expert staff consisting of the students and instructors who are mostly members of the Physical Education and Sport Department of Nevşehir Hacı Bektaş Veli University.

You can get the program, after our instructors who are evaluating your needs give knowledge about which therapeutic program is suitable for you.

You can get more information about the therapeutic programs which are included to the EAAT from the links below. The articles on our website will also be useful.